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Education Articles

New Ways of Sharing the Love with Little Ones This Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s day is the perfect opportunity to teach your little ones how to share the love with everyone in their life! Everyone deserves some love this season, from the neighbor down the street, the grade school teacher, and others in your community. Here are FIVE...

Beat the Winter Blues – Rainy Day Activities
Beat the winter blues with these fun rainy day activities you can do with your child right at home.

Cultivate an attitude of gratitude in your child after the holidays
The holidays were a whirlwind! Early morning excitement, gifts, travel, family and friends… It can be the most stressful time of the year for adults as we work to make it the most magical time of the year for our children. And yet, at the end of the year, we want to...

Fun Winter Activities For Preschoolers This Holiday Season
Thanksgiving is wrapped up and the winter holidays are around the corner which means for parents, kids are home and excited about the holiday spirit! With all the energy and downtime, it’s a great time of year for parents to bond and spend quality time with the kids...

6 Fun Halloween Games To Play With Your Kids
It’s the month of spooktacular costumes and bags full of candy! For parents, Halloween is that time of year to let your child’s imagination run wild. But if you’re that parent who loves embracing the Halloween spirit, or is known for throwing the best-haunted party,...

STEM Learning Activities For Kids At Home
Many new parents are familiar with what STEM learning is, however, not all parents grew up learning this now-popular method of education. For those unfamiliar, STEM stands for Science–Technology–Engineering–and Mathematics. The concept was introduced in early 2001 by...

Dealing with Childhood Fears & Phobias
Everyone, from young toddlers to adults, experience fears and anxiety from time to time. As we grow older these fears evolve from scary monsters under the bed to more mature fears, like taxes! As a parent, it’s important to learn how to best identify and acknowledge...

10 Fun Ways to Keep Learning Over Summer
Back to school season is nearly upon us and it’s time to start prepping the little ones! Summer is always a time for fun activities for kids, like playing in the water or riding bikes. On the flip side, there are so many more things to do that will help clear those...

30 Fun Summer Activities For Kids That Won’t Break The Bank
It’s officially summertime! The kids are out of school, the weather is hot outside and there’s more free time than you can imagine. Are you suddenly at home with the kids, running out of ideas to keep them entertained and learning throughout the day? Don’t worry! We...

Fun Backyard Science Experiments for Kids!
It can be a struggle to find something fun AND educational to do with your kids and especially in the fresh air outdoors! We don’t want our kids indoors playing video games or watching TV all the time. It’s important to help them get active and engaged to balance out...