Meet the team leaders
A little about the team…
Tom Hamilton is our CEO. Tom has 3 children, Jack, Emma and Claire. Tom currently lives in Grass Valley, CA with his wife and business partner Meghan. He loves the outdoors. Any excuse to go for a hike, go camping or backpacking and he is out the door! Tom is an amazing father and incredible business partner. He sees a path for growth and chases it relentlessly. His passion, guidance, and willingness to learn new things keeps FEL strong and ever growing.
Meghan Hamilton is our CCO, bringing her creativity into many different aspects of the business. She is the author of the Fusion Early Learning Curriculum and inventor of our method. She is creative and quiet by nature and relaxes by working out and getting out into nature. Meghan loves trying new foods, and enjoying all the wonderful fruits and veggies that nature provides, and is a bit of a health nut. With Tom and their three children, they are an adventurous family, taking advantage of the beauty that surrounds them by hiking, camping, backpacking, snowshoeing and more every chance they get.
Clint Charlson is our COO. He has a beautiful daughter named Adrienne. They are inseparable; a daddy-daughter duo that is tough to beat! Clint lives in Sacramento, CA and loves to go for long bike rides with his friends. Clint loves great food, good laughs and loves to be on the go. He has a mind for numbers and is always asking the hard questions. He enjoys playing the devil's advocate a bit, which is part of what makes any business successful! Clint is an amazing business partner who is incredibly supportive of the sometimes seemingly crazy ideas that Meghan and Tom throw his way!