Baby book: The Next Generation

Baby book: The Next Generation

When I was 18 my mother gave me my baby book. It was novel. I thumbed through it and smiled at how "grown" I have become. LOL Flash forward nine years, when I had my own children, I couldn't get back to my old baby look fast enough. Pictures of me: who I was versus...
3 weekly highlights: Ships, Planes & Little Actors

3 weekly highlights: Ships, Planes & Little Actors

Our transportation lessons are well underway! And the kids are enjoying the Titanic lesson immensely. This week we've built the Titanic from scratch. The kids were super excited to learn about the engineers and all the working pieces of such a large ship. Your Little...
Discovery Camp is now enrolling!

Discovery Camp is now enrolling!

Discovery Camp begins at the end of the academic school year and runs for 8 weeks. It is designed to be a break from the more structured school-year and be a time for our students to continue to explore and have some serious Summer fun! Discovery Camp programs and...