images (1)I was reminded last week the impact our childhood experiences have upon the rest of our lives. I have had the opportunity to be both parent and teacher to my own children here at Fusion Early Learning, and one of the things I look forward to are the events we run. As a father, one of my greatest joys is creating memories for my children and each year my children looked forward to our Bishop’s Pumpkin Farm field trip.

Preceding weeks in the classrooms were always spent talking about the upcoming event when I would get to see the anticipation build not just in my own children, but in all of the students. We would talk about our favorite activities there (Hands down, the hayride, to pick out your own pumpkin, is the best in my opinion!), what we wanted to do first, what we wanted to see there and of course, the apple cider! (It’s sooo good!) More important than the fun we would have engaging in these activities is the memories we created. My children will often remind me of the time I nearly fell out of the hay wagon, or in the case of my eldest child, recounting playing in the hay jump with his friends during Fusion’s first visit to Bishop’s.

In addition to the school field trip, we visit Bishop’s as a family each year. My oldest is now at the age where he’s helping to craft our family experiences and memories for his younger siblings. Creating these memories and shaping these experiences for children is what initially drew me to working in this industry, and I now get to see how that plays out in my own family. There are not many career paths that allow for such interactions or the chance to mold our future generations on such a personal level, and I credit the environment of Fusion for not only providing an atmosphere of lasting education, but also one of lasting impact. Lost in thought as we head to Bishop’s, I am again hopeful that we are helping to create fond fall memories and impacting children’s lives for years to come. ~Mr. Dante

Mr. DanteMr. Dante is the Director of Education at Fusion Early Learning. When he is not busy mentoring teachers and molding young minds he enjoys spending time with his family; going on any and every adventure they can dream up.