I am loving the weather today! We've been outside playing the majority of the morning and the kids are the happiest they have been in days. But the weather doesn't have to be great to keep our kids active. I for one try and make it a point to get in at least an hour of exercise with my Littles every day. My two-year-old and three-year-old are well-versed in; squats, Burpee's, V sit ups and many more exercises. LOL We make it a point,as a family, to go for a small jog every afternoon after naptime. We make it a competition amongst the five of us to see who can do the most pull-ups or the longest hang.

It's not just a family activity it's also something we do when we're waiting and the kids have the jitters. For instance, if we're at the doctors office waiting for an appointment and the kids are acting rowdy that's the perfect time to get in their squats. If we're at a restaurant waiting for a meal and the kids are acting restless we sneak away to the bathroom and do jumping jacks and lunges. It gets their energy out in a healthy way while sparing our peers my Little's excited energy.

dreamstimefree_91587Of course all of these activities are useless without the right base. Even our little picky eaters need to make sure they're getting the right type of fuel in order to perform their daily functions. Make sure we're giving them a well-balanced diet throughout the day so that they have the right fuel to help with expelling that energy.

We have found that skewers are our friends. We love to skewer; meat and cheese, fruit and cheese, veggies and so much more. It's fun for the kids, easy, packs well for school and gets them a well-rounded meal. Hard-boiled eggs are also a quick and easy protein packed snack. Whatever you're feeding them just try and make sure you represent the entire rainbow throughout the day because each piece is delicately designed to break down a certain way in their bodies and provide the proper energy for functioning.

If you're having trouble representing every food group because your child is picky or you're pressed for time, try supplementing with Juice Plus. It offers all the essential vitamins and minerals that your Littles need without having to fight them to take it. 😉

The bottom line? Healthy kids and healthy families are happy families. We here at Fusion Preschool are elated to be able to share and learn from all your healthy experiences. Thank you for being willing to share with us and PLEASE feel free to comment below with how you keep your family fed healthy and active. We can't wait to hear your feedback!

About Me

 Quiet: its not just okay its good.I am a retired veteran turned play at home mom. I have a two-year-old daughter, a three-year-old son and a 10-year-old stepson that I am honored to mommy every day. I look forward to sharing our play at home experiences and learning from you and yours!

Ariel Sahota

Fusion Contributor