Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! If your family is anything like my family these last few weeks have been inspirational, full of love with maybe just a little pinch of chaos.  I absolutely adore my family. I have eight brothers and sisters and each of us has spread out making our own families. At this very point in time there are 15 nieces and nephews and one on the way. Who knows where we will stop. So, with all that love brings just a small bit of over stimulation.

KONICA MINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERAThe same way we feel overstimulated so do our Littles. Do you find yourself needing; a small little break, an extra few minutes in the bathroom of quiet time or an extra cup of coffee? You get the point. Our Littles feel the exact same way. In our house we've taught the kids to take a breath and "reset" when they get overwhelmed. I noticed yesterday that there have been an awful lot of breaths taken in the last few days. Over stimulation can take a huge toll on their small bodies. We need to make sure that we're taking the time to pull them aside and love on them quietly. They need our undivided attention and are still looking for: the arts and crafts that we were so willing to do three weeks ago, the park and play date or the board game. Remember, even their favorite TV show with all its bells, whistles and noises can be overstimulating, especially this time of year. Our children believe that we have all the time in the world to direct toward them, and quite frankly, they should. Is that not the reason for the season? So today, when you get home, please snuggle up close to the Littles. Take the extra few minutes to play a boardgame, draw picture or read a story. They need to calm down and quiet their bodies too.

Some of our favorite pastimes this week have been: the board-game Chutes and Ladders, playing in the backyard together, going for a bike ride through the orchard and having mini dance parties. Your children will appreciate you for this more than they can say, and who knows, you may appreciate you too.

I hope this ignites a spark of imagination entertainment within you. I know it renewed mine. Happy New Year and I can't wait to see you on the other side.


About Me

Sahota_FamilyI am a retired veteran turned play at home mom. I have a two-year-old daughter, a three-year-old son and a 10-year-old stepson that I am honored to mommy every day. I look forward to sharing our play at home experiences and learning from you and yours!

Ariel Sahota

Fusion Contributor